Release Presentation

Part 1: What did you make?

• I created a photoblog similar to Pictory, but specific to this campus, and for students (or anyone who is a part of the UMaine community, really). Like Pictory, a topic is suggested, and the work is arranged into short photo essays by theme. It is completely user-submitted content driven, and users are required to include their name and a caption along with their image.

Blog Link



The Pictory Blog

• on-campus photo projects like Appicture

In all of these, I studied the submission forms most closely. Each were different, and it helped me narrow down what I wanted. I didn’t want a system where a user would have to be forced to register, it isn’t a forum, and uploading should be easy and quick. I chose to go for something similar to the Pictory blog, where you fill out a short form.

• Theme research

• Other platform research, such as Tumblr, mostly for the easy submission form, which was similar to the Pictory blog

• Submission form plug-in research

Part 2: How did you make it?

• installed a new blog

• FTP’d  several free themes that weren’t available through the WP search, and selected the best

• Started building, making menus and pages

• Quickly realized there were aspects of the theme I didn’t want/weren’t there

• This guided me to start using the “editor” in WP since the theme options were too limited. This gave me much more flexibility in the look and function of my blog. With some research from WP help forums, I was able to pinpoint certain bits of code and delete or modify them safely, especially the code for the sidebar and the footer. Result.

• The most useful thing I did with the editor was tweak a bit of code to make images show up in posts on the front page. Vinica defaults to having images show up as thumbnails in posts before the user clicks on it and goes to the actual post page. I was able to change this by replacing a little bit of code. “<?php the_excerpt();?>” needed to be replaced with “<?php the_content();?>” in the template files. After that, it worked the way I wanted it to, and I was happy.

• Took it too far, had to paste in the original code that I had luckily backed-up, as my professor suggested I do

• Main tools: WP, editor, WP help forums, FTP


• My biggest challenge was implementing the submission form I wanted. I eventually found a “User Submitted Posts” plug-in that looked perfect.

• USP plug-in had many options:

• I set them in such a way to require that users provide their name, a photo title, and a caption along with their image

• First submission test failed, started over, did more research, explored other plug-ins, even re-installed theme

• Eventually learned that USP requires the shortcode “[ gallery ]” in the post to display an image, so I devised this workaround:

• Allowed more options for image submission, made appropriate submission instructions for users and an error message so users could know what they did incorrectly

• Required USP to be moderated by me before being published so I could simply included the shortcode, size up the image, and then publish.

results in:

Part 3: What did you learn?

• My original inspiration was Pictory. In looking at the audience of Pictory, I learned that, in order to have a bigger audience, you need to make the site more about the narrative than the technical aspects of photography. Pictory isn’t geared completely to photographers; if you look at the captions, there’s no F/stop, shutter speed, or ISO, it’s all about the narrative.

• In building the blog, I was forced to learn the ins and outs of WP, especially the editor. Learning how to work in the editor was a big deal because it gave me a lot of flexibility. I also learned how to really find the resources I need to learn how to use WP and the editor.

• Learned from Derek O’Brien that a difficult aspect is getting people to engage in your project


Sample Photo Page

I made a sample submission by exactly following the steps a user would to submit a photo. This is what a submission currently looks like:

WordPress User Submitted Posts Issue UPDATE

I’ve done a lot of research into how to make the “User Submitted Posts” plug-in work correctly. I’ve even researched other submission form plug-ins as an alternative (which can be found here, and are not suitable for my project, I’ve learned). According to many other users, User Submitted Posts is very finicky and difficult, especially when it comes to attaching images. For the last day or so, every time I’ve attempted to submit a photo as a sample, the form has either given me an error, or simply displayed everything except for the attached image. However; in the end, I’ve made it work for me. Here’s my workaround:

• First, I’ve set the plug-in settings to be more likely to accept more images by raising the maximum size from 2000 x 2000 pixels to 10,000 x 10,000 pixels. In addition, I’ve included in the Submit Your Photo page instructions that the image must be under 10,000 x 10,000 pixels. Also, I’ve included that bit of information in the error message that pops up when the submission fails, so the user can see what they’ve done incorrectly.

• I’ve set the plug-in settings in such a way that a post requires my moderation before it is published, until then it sits in my posts folder marked as “pending.” This is crucial for the next step:

• Although it is not at all mentioned on the official page for the plug-in, I’ve learned through browsing help forums that User Submitted Posts will not display an image unless you use the shortcode “[ gallery ]” in your post. So, my workaround is to moderate all the pending submissions and simply type in the shortcode, size up the image, and then publish.


results in:


Who would get the most benefit from your project?

I’m assuming mostly students, especially those who live on-campus, but my project is open to anyone with a connection to the UMaine community.

WordPress Theme Editor

One of aspects of this project I’ve spent the most time on would be customizing my theme. I’ve learned a little about the theme editor in WordPress. Before, I thought the only options I had to change the appearance of my blog would be through the theme options, which is sometimes limited.

When I first applied the Vinica theme, there were many things I wanted to change. First of all, there was too much going on in the sidebar. For instance, it listed thumbnails for about 5 different social networks I really didn’t need. There was also a searchbar and an about me I didn’t want. All of this stuff was distracting, so I researched how to pinpoint them in the code and remove them (safely, without breaking my blog). Browsing WP help forums helped me to understand how this works.



In the end, the only things I kept on the sidebar were the “Popular Posts,” a link to the Twitter and Facebook pages, and an archive. I think it’s more streamlined.

I also used the theme editor to add a little blurb in the footer.

As my professor suggested, I kept a backup of my code by copying and pasting it into a word document. This was useful, because at one point I made a mistake, and was too confused on how to fix it. I had been trying to remove the small “Posted by X, Filed under X, etc” text that accompanies a post, when I realized I would need to keep the “Posted by X” so photographer names can be displayed in a submission. When I re-inserted the original, unmodified code, I chose to keep everything in order to not make the same mistake. I actually experimented with adding/subtracting small details throughout my blog that I decided not to keep in the end.

The most important tweak I made with the editor was an essential change to the way the Vinica theme displays content on the frontpage. By default, Vinica only displays a tiny thumbnail of an image until you click on that post. There is no way to change this using the Vinica theme options, so I had to find a way to do it inside the editor. Luckily I found some good resources online, and learned that I needed to pinpoint a certain tag and replace it with something else.

“<?php the_excerpt();?>” needed to be replaced with “<?php the_content();?>” in the template files. After that, it worked the way I wanted it to, and I was happy.


WordPress Submission Form Issue

I like the User Submitted Posts, but when I test it out, I get the error:

This is incredibly frustrating because I haven’t tampered with the Plug in code in the editor at all. I even re-installed my theme and haven’t modified it at all to see if that was the problem.

WordPress Submission Form Plugin

I’ve done some research and found a “User Submitted Post” plugin for WordPress. I could use this for handling user submissions without requiring a login. To use this plugin, you simply use the shortcode provided. The nice thing about this plugin is that it is very customizable. I’m editing it right now to include the following things:

• users must included their name, a photo title, a caption, and an image

• if they do not include the above items, they get an error message telling them to do so

• after submission, they are redirected to the front page

• an instructional message to appear next to the upload field

• my administrator moderation is required for the post to be displayed, until then, it is a draft

To test out this plugin, I’m going to paste it directly into this post. If it looks good, then I have the option of putting it directly on a page in my blog.


Please complete the required fields.

Format — Tumblr themes

Great post listing some nice photo-oriented Tumblr themes. Even lists the advantages and disadvantages of each theme. Also lists some Tumblr “add-ons” that look extremely useful.

Research — Tumblr blogging capabilities – UPDATED 4/16

“A tumblelog is a variation of a blog, that favors short-form, mixed-media posts over the longer editorial posts frequently associated with blogging. Common post formats found on tumbleblogs include links, photos, quotes, dialogues, and video. Unlike blogs, this format is frequently used to share the author’s creations, discoveries, or experiences without providing a commentary. – Wikipedia”

It’s possible that Tumblr may be a good alternative to WordPress for my project. At first glance, it looks perfect. It’s simple, the themes are nice, and there is no sign up for user submission. One of the most exciting discoveries is the social/sharing aspect of Tumblr. If someone made a particularly interesting post on my site, it could be easy spread and shared throughout Tumblr. This would be a great way to easily spread my project and/or the photographer’s work.

You can also get your own domain name for your blog on Tumblr, according to the website.

UPDATE: I’ve played around with customizing my Tumblr blog, and I’m pleased with all the things you can do with it. There are several photoblog themes, plus you have control over the overall design of your blog. You can also upload a header which can serve as a featured image.

Research — existing submission models

What’s been done before?

Pictory is most similar to my project, and my main inspiration. Pictory gives a theme, accepts submissions, and compiles them into little photo journals. I’ve looked into their submission system, and it looks like you have to log in to submit. I’d like to learn more about how their submission system works because it seems to work well.

Pictory also has a blog where they do more themes and accept more submissions. They have a submission system that I really like, it doesn’t require a sign up, and you can upload directly on the submission page. It also allows you to write your caption and give your name directly on the page.

Appicture has a submission system where the user emails their photo and fills out a little form.


What I’ve learned

I’ve learned that I’d most like the submission system found in the Pictory blog.

Derek O’Brien

Derek showed me his site Appicture.

– the logo has evolved

– it has connecting Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo, and Google + (I’d like to do this and possibly give users more options for submission)

We discussed the most difficult part of creating Appicture. Derek said the biggest challenge was getting people to actually use his project. I’ve thought about this with my project and I’ll admit, I’ve been a little worried that there won’t be many (if any) submissions. So, I’ve been thinking about what makes photo blogs like Pictory thrive. Like we have discussed in class, an “angle” is necessary to get people interested.  Pictory always has great themes. That’s why I need to highlight the things the student body cares about. For example, the Anti-Abortion protests today would be a great issue for people to submit photos about. I can tell it’s a big deal because a simple meme referencing the protests posted to the “University of Maine Memes Page” gained over 750 likes since this morning. Actually, the campus memes page might be a great way to gauge what the student body is thinking about the most at a certain time.


Theme Previews

One of the most important aspects of my project is finding the correct theme. I scoured the internet and download all the ones that caught my eye, then FTP’d them into my WordPress. I previewed each of them, took screenshots, and made notes of what I did and didn’t like in each theme.

I made an Imgur album with each of my screenshots, which can be found here.

To organize my thoughts, I am going to write some of my thoughts on each theme, in the same order as they appear in my Imgur album (other than that, they’re in no particular order).

1. F8 Lite

My favorite aspect of F8 is the featured image. I think this may be essential for my blog. I also like how clean and simple it is. The type is nice, the menus are unobtrusive, and there seems to be plenty of options for this theme. This one is definitely at the top of my list and contains many of the things I want in my blog.

2. Grain

I also like this one for the featured image. I also like it for the dark black and gray design. I don’t like the textured background as much, or the chunky headline text, but perhaps that is editable with a little work.

3. iq2

This theme looked great in the preview; the background is dark and it’s simple. However, when I activated this theme I found it very hard and confusing to navigate.

4. Linquist

Probably my least favorite. It’s simple enough, but there’s no featured image, and I dislike the background color and helvetica headline and reflection. There is nothing especially nice or appealing in this theme.

5. Sharpfolio

This theme seems to be similar to grain, but lacking the featured image.

6. Viewport

I really like how the caption and photo name are highlighted by being blocked off, but it’s unfortunate that they cover the photo — in my opinion that’s unacceptable for a photo blog.

7. Vinica

The design of this one really appeals to me. It’s simple, displays the photos nicely, and has an awesome sidebar, including links to Twitter/Facebook/etc. That’s important to me because I’d like to follow Derek O’Brien’s (Appicture) example and make corresponding Twitter/Facebook/etc pages for my blog.


What I’ve learned

In my blog, I’d most like the option of featured image (as seen in F8 Lite), but the option of a header image is OK as well. I’ve also learned that I prefer a more “minimalist” type of design that still contains the essentials, like the great sidebar in Vinica. I’ve also come across some beautiful paid themes, but I’m not sure if paying upwards of $90 for a theme is an option for me.

Test Photo

Photographer: Patrick Murphy

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.

Intent 3

College Photo Blog

What tools will I need?

I will need  to find the following:

Tools to explore:

  • Buddypress
  • Photosmash (plugin)
  • Featured Image


Sites like Pictory have done something similar in the past, as well as Appicture. Both are photoblogs of sort. Pictory has a submission system where you sign up and then submit, whereas Appicture has you email your picture as well as fill out a small form.


Hopefully this will take the shape of a photoblog that is community driven. The angle will be UMaine-specific topics and (hopefully) what the student body is passionate about.


I’d like to talk with Derek O’Brien about his site for Appicture. I have studied the blog, but I have questions for him and his approach. I’ll most likely see him Tuesday March 27th.

3/22 Intent 3 Notes & Discussion

Get tools for photoblog
domain name
wordpress – find photoblog themes, filter that out

featured image



– What have others done that is similar? In the past? Right now? Think of submissions.

– What do I have to know to do good work? Where can I find it?


– What shape will it take?

– Angle?

– Derek O’Brien





– Derek O’Brien


There should be a report for each of these categories.


Start a new menu item, “Release” — category

– the sub categories are the research, peers, format, etc.

Approach: “College Photo Journal”

It would be similar to Pictory, where the photos are displayed in a photoblog format, but with only student uploaded content.

There would be captions, photographer name, and year and major required with each photo upload. Uploading would either be based on a guest account system, or possibly using a plugin, like Photosmash.

Simple mock-up:


To keep things relevant to UMaine students and encourage submissions, topics will be suggested that directly pertain to issues on campus. Examples could include:

  • the recent ban on smoking
  • campus parking
  • the recent bomb threat

It would be great to see a wide range of creativity in submissions, and the only way to do this is to suggest topics that UMaine students actually care about.

Intent: “College Photo Journal”

The University website has many nice photos of campus life, however, they don’t always truly reflect the experience of living on campus in UMaine. I’d like to create a photo journal documenting what it’s like to live on campus. Going to class, dining halls, dorm life . . . everything. It would be a way to give insight into what it’s like to live and study at UMaine. It could perhaps be major specific, as the life of a New Media student may differ from that of an Engineer student.

It would also be interesting to add an accompanying audio component.

Response: Video Games & Computer Holding Power

“Similarly, the experience of a game that makes an instantaneous and exact response to your touch, or of a computer that is itself always consistent in its response, can take over.” Some gamers (such as most of the people featured in this article) crave the level of control they can achieve by perfecting their gaming skills.

When I read this, I was instantly reminded of a passage I read in a blog my friend has been diligently keeping. The post focuses on Jeff’s image of himself as a “big” person; big personality, big voice, and specifically, a physically big person. He explains how he craves progress, and finds it more readily available in the video games he plays than in other aspects of his life, such as exercise. The particular quote is near the end, and is as follows:

“I’m a sucker for progress . . . That exhilaration I feel in knowing I’ve made progress towards something, that I’ve accomplished a goal is really what I’m after, and usually, with exercise I don’t get that. But I do with videogames.  A few hours of button pressing, and my silly little on-screen man gets a shiny new sword . . .” 

Like many of the people in this article, Jeff gets an instantaneous response when he plays games. He can make progress, albeit in a virtual space. He’s constantly striving to reach the next “checkpoint,” and he’s noticed that it’s difficult to find that instantaneous kind of motivation in other aspects of his life.

“I don’t always know where to find this same feeling in many of the aspects of my life, especially with things like exercise and eating healthy. It’s much easier to stimulate my pleasure centers now with a tasty treat, than to attempt to sate them with the far-off promise of confidence and self-worth, locked away behind many a locked door, which I only have a chance to open with a great deal of will-power and motivation. “

In “Video Games & Computer Holding Power,” a comparison is made between the promise of progress and perfection to that of exercise or “molding the body.” Once people begin to notice an actual change in their appearance, they’re motivated to continue. Jeff reflects on this in his post:

“I remember vividly a time when I could see the silhouette of a 6-pack showing through my stomach, some feeble outline that hinted at the idea that there were abdominal muscles buried beneath my jiggling belly. And I’ve never been more motivated to work out in my life.”

Both video games and exercise have holding power, but I think games give a more instant result, which many people crave. Games can make you feel in control by promising a goal and showing you your progress as you go, in some cases quite literally with a “progress bar.” However, this obviously isn’t the case with other aspects of life.


206 Class Discussion 3/15

Check out “Male Fantasies”

Hierarchy involves fratricide. Think of the Incas.

To “break” a person, you need to take away affection, love, sex, comfort, all of those things. For example, Eko from LOST, who is forced by gang members at a young age to execute a fellow villager and later becomes part of said gang.

Voldemort has to kill in order to become immortal.

Fantasy vs. Reality (also, what is realism, and does that equal what is true?)

dreaming — if you can control someone’s imagination, you can control them. Ads are full of dreams.

Usually, we think realism is something that feels real, but they are not necessarily realism.

Response: No Quarter

I don’t play video games, and prior to reading this (along with the Edge of Art chapter on Deep Play) I did not know that the US Army actually has official video games. I can see how they are used as recruitment tools, and they must be effective, because I know how popular many of these games are. It is a little strange to see a medium that is usually meant for entertainment and escapist purposes being used as a recruitment tool.

I also interested in the passage that dealt with how “story-telling (and fear) can lead people to support things they otherwise would not.” I can see how this is very true. Often times we will forgive a major character for evil deeds when they are done for the “greater good,” or when the character is shown  as ultimately a hero, as the article points out. I think that many examples of this can be found in modern television. In the show “Breaking Bad,” the main character is struggling high school chemistry who resorts to cooking and dealing meth in order to secure his family’s financial future when he is diagnosed with terminal cancer. Throughout the course of the series, he does all sorts of things of terrible things, including murder. However, through the way the story is told, we still forgive him and empathize with him. Like no quarter states, “Despite his character flaws, readers tend to want him to get away with murder. In the end, forms of redemption operate in both stories that deemphasize the violent acts committed by the central characters.”

Deep Play Assignment

3. What happens when a game breaks out of representations of violence (Grand Theft Auto) and actually engages (executes) violence (Tekken Torture Tournament)? In what way does representation sensitize or desensitize us to violence vs in what way does play (real enactment) resensitize us? When children play do they ever resort to violence? Can you describe its possible uses?


When a game breaks out of representations of violence and engages the player, it helps them “get a glimpse of how games affect us.” It also provides a tangible response to actions made by players in the game. In other words, “the body is now responsible and vulnerable.” Representation can distance us from the violence in the game, but re-enactment can bring us back, especially in the case of Tekken Torture Tournament.

a. Gamers want games that are deeply immersive and engaging. Some game developers want to create games that highlight the relationship between gamers and games, and show how games affect the players. Games like Tekken Torture Tournament cause real consequences for actions within the game.

c. The “Tactile Gaming Vest” is an example. The vest is worn by a player, and produces a response whenever the player is hit by bullets, knives, or explosions in the game.



Reviewed Intents

My Campus; Sticky Note Edition by James Knight

“I like this idea. There are websites dedicated to college student reviews, but in my experience, they’re very poorly done, empty, and most of the reviews don’t touch on the examples you gave. I very much like the idea of upvotes and downvotes; it’d be a good way to bring the best stuff to the top, and filter out the not so good stuff. Sites like use this system successfully.

Conceptual: 9”

Sidewalks Get Their Say, Too by Andrew Robbins

“I think it’s a good way to be heard. I always notice the stuff written on sidewalks, even though it’s just chalk . . . so it’d be cool to see what you could do with stencils.

Conceptual: 8”


Intent: “New Last.FM Statistics”

Last.FM is a great site that takes information from your iTunes account and displays playcounts for artists and albums.

I would like to create some sort of app that takes the music statistics from a user’s “Last.FM” account a bit further and displays a range of new, different statistics, such as what percent of your music is female/male vocal-fronted, instrumental, genre, or what decade it’s from, and displays it in a visual way, like a pie chart, for each category. So, it would basically be a hack on your existing Last.FM statistics.

These new statistics could be based on existing tags from Last.FM, and could be an interesting autobiographical look at different aspects of a user’s listening habits less common than simply “most played artist” or “most played song.”

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Response: “denial-of-service attacks”

This isn’t a specific artwork or project, but I know that “denial-of-service” attacks are sometimes used by hacktivism groups to make a certain website unavailable to users. I’m not sure about how a denial-of-service attack works specifically, but it basically leads to a server overload. It’s a crude example of hacktivism for sure, but I thought it would fit because the internet group “Anonymous” has used denial-of-service attacks in the past to bring down websites of organizations of which they find fault with. For example, recently on January 20, 2012, they used denial-of-service attacks on the Department of Justice and FBI websites to call attention to the website Megaupload being shut down.


Response: Edge of Art — Ch. 4

One of my favorite projects from this chapter was “They Rule,” something that we saw earlier in this class before reading Edge of Art. It shows connections between corporations/very powerful people in a very visual and striking way. It’s a great way to use technology to expose something that was possibly previously unnoticed, and I like the quote from Edge of Art that says “once you get enough information in one place, you can draw connections you might not otherwise apprehend.” I love that concept, and I agree that They Rule is a prime example of hacktivism. It uncovered a lot of connections that weren’t as easy to make before They Rule was created, such as the connection between Coke and Pepsi that Edge of Art points out.


I like the idea that “hacktivism” can foster an environment where people can make bold political statements safely, and that artists are allowed to cross certain boundaries due to artistic license.

Response: Edge of Art — Ch 1

I think the most important thing I took from this chapter was the idea of “artistic misuse,” especially since this is a unit on hacktivism. In submitting our intents, it is likely that many of our projects will include a “hack” or misuse of something in order convey a certain message. This chapter focused heavily code as art. In other words, the way in which programmers can purposely misuse code to create something new and innovative. I was struck by the example of Nam Jun Paik installing the magnet on top of a television set to achieve a certain effect. Certainly this is a misuse and a hack on this technology, but it created something completely new. I’ve learned that purposely using things in a way they weren’t meant to be used can be innovative. For example, earlier in this class we watched “As it Happened — A Secret History of Hacking,” where “”phone phreaks” experimented with telephones in ways it wasn’t supposed to be used for, and had never been done before, but it basically lead to computer hacking.

Response: Cyborg Manifesto

“Cyborg Manifesto”

Honestly, I wanted to understand and get something from this reading, but nearly every bit of it went way over my head. However; I do have a bit to comment on.

“Our machines are disturbingly lively, and we ourselves frighteningly inert.” I’m not sure where I originally heard this, but I definitely recognize it from somewhere, possibly another New Media course. It’s a striking quote, and I believe it’s relevant to something we often discuss in class. When technology is developed that augments one of our senses, something (one of our other senses, perhaps) is degraded as a result. I think this connects to the aforementioned quote from the Cyborg Manifesto in the way that the machines are becoming “disturbingly lively,” while inversely, we are becoming “frighteningly inert.”

Approach: Virtual Dining Hall Comment Board

  • The first step would be to build a mock-up of the visual aspects of this website. It would be very basic, and would possibly draw upon the imagery of the physical comment cards in some of the dining halls here on campus.
  • It would be interesting to take it a step further and do some interviewing in the dining halls of the people who eat campus food every day, to learn what kind of questions they have about the quality and origins of the food here on campus. This could even include video interviews. It could perhaps be a way to kick start the use of the Virtual Dining Hall Comment Board, since it is completely community-driven.

2-9-2012 NMD206 Notes

– personal <=> political

– the world is in a specific political structure

– autobiography about yourself and the culture around you

Modern Living Animations

These animations are an interactive, animated self portrait for Han Hoogerbrugge. At first glance, many of these animations were nonsense to me. However, some make a little sense. For example, the one we watched in class of the man in the water, it has a sadistic quality to it, because it becomes a sort of game to keep him under water. You don’t quite realize that until you’ve been doing it awhile.


Another that caught my eye was one called “Angel.” The user controls a cross, which makes a man move around like a puppet. Which, in a way, could be a way to express that some people are “puppets” strung along by religious figures, I suppose.

Intent: Dining Hall Virtual Comment Board

The comment boards in the dining halls at UMaine are either poorly maintained or nonexistent. It would be neat to have a system where users could upload comments to a “virtual comment board” for the dining management to easily see. Comments would be upvoted or downvoted based on quality by the community. It would be very visual, and each comment would require information like “dining location” and “time of visit” so comments could be filtered and categorized.

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Response: As it Happened

We had an interesting little discussion on the video “As it Happened — A Secret History of Hacking.” One question we discussed that interested me was “what is a scapegoat?” and further, “what does the government use a scapegoat for?” This documentary is interesting in that regard, for example, one of the pioneers of this hacking craze was actually labeled as a “terrorist” by the government. In reality, he was just a bright and talented hobbyist, but he was turned into a scapegoat due to the government calling him a threat and the media bearing a similar message. Since “hacking” was a new thing, many people were misinformed, so it was easy to find a scapegoat in this group of hackers and “phreaks.”


This video reminded me of a story on the internet group “Anonymous” a Fox affiliate news channel in LA that aired in 2007. The reporter called the group “hackers on steroids” and “domestic terrorists,” much like the terms used to describe the subjects of “As it Happened.” The activities portrayed in the report are stupid pranks, but I think calling them terrorists just shows that the people working at this news station aren’t completely in touch with technology and the internet. The report is laughable, and can be found here.


Response: Theater of the Oppressed

“Theater of the Oppressed”


This article had to do with many different types of theater that can inspire social change. Many of these I had never really heard of or thought of, and I don’t know if anything like this happens in my area. I can see why we would read this after watching “The Yes Men Fix the World” in class. What the “Yes Men” do is basically a similar sort of theater. They either act out things that they wish to happen (like Dow compensating for the Bhopal disaster), or they act out things in a silly way to call attention to how absurd some corporations can be.

I found the aspect of these types of theater using the audience as part of the act to be the most interesting. I can imagine that it is much more engaging for everyone when the spectators are interacting with the actors. In fact, it starts to blur the line between the “spectators” and the “actors.” Which is a main point brought up at the end of the article, that interactive theater can and should “humanize the spectator.”

Although I’ve never seen this type of theater before (to my knowledge), it seems like a good way to work through problems, by examining them visually and physically). Working through problems that way has never really occurred to me, but I was very interested in the “image theater,” where bodies are “sculpted” and language is not even used. It seems like a very different way to express and work out problems. This type of theater, and the others like it, also allow them to examine the many different approaches they could make towards a problem in a safe environment.

The scenario of the man eating the barbecue in the restaurant reminded me of a comedic performance group popular on the internet called “Improv Everywhere.” Improv Everywhere act out rehearsed scenes in public places, and often, the public is very much involved. So, that means that the actors have to be able to adapt to the reactions of the public. So, I suppose that Improv Everywhere act out a sort of Invisible Theater.


Response: Rasta Software



I honestly have no idea what this website is or what exactly I’m meant to do with it. However, I did recognize a forkbomb about halfway down the page.

Response: Gelder

“How Occupy Wallstreet Changes Everything”

Before reading this article, I’ll admit, I didn’t have much knowledge about the Occupy Wallstreet protests. I was of course aware that it was happening from social news sites like “,” but I really didn’t have any details. I’d also partially forgotten all about it when everything to do with SOPA/PIPA came about and started to overshadow it.

I noticed that this article has some tie-ins to the commencement speech by Pariser. In “How Occupy Wallstreet Changes Everything,” the author explains that, “Our leaders will not fix things for us; we’ll have to do that for ourselves.” This is much like a point that Pariser makes in her speech, that we can’t rely on leaders or so-called “experts.” We have to take on that responsibility ourselves.

This article helped me get a better idea how serious and expansive these Occupy protests have been. Living in Maine, there wasn’t too much activity, and I figured it was similar in other places. However this article showed me that a lot is happening with Occupy in more urban areas. I was most surprised by the novel idea of communicating to many people without amplification. Like the article says, repeating promotes active listening, and there’s no risk breaking any laws against amplification.

Response: Pariser

“The World Needs You To See It With Fresh Eyes”


I think one of the most important points that Pariser is making in her speech is that everybody is capable of making some sort of positive change. You don’t necessarily have to be an expert, in fact, Pariser argues that there really is no such thing as an expert, seeing as we are always learning and there are “unknown unknowns.” I liked her quote, “we each possess the power to change everything.” It’s very empowering. What I took from this article was that you can’t leave things up to the “experts,” you need to go out and actually do something yourself.

Response: Crosbie

“What is New Media?”


We’ve read this before in previous New Media classes. However, it looks like I had forgotten most of this article. At first it really does sound like semantics, but when Crosbie begins to get into the analogy of land, water, and air, it starts to become rather interesting. The analogy was very helpful, especially in expressing how the new medium has both the benefits of the old media without any of the disadvantages that they have. With the new media, content can be individualized and the communication can be more than one-to-one, two disadvantages of one-to-many and 0ne-to-one communication, respectively.

I also like how Crosbie explained that simply displaying old media on technology like the internet does not pass as new media. For example, putting an electronic version of a newspaper online. Like he said, the new media is not necessarily an “electronic extension” of old media.