Tagged with intents

Intent: “New Last.FM Statistics”

Last.FM is a great site that takes information from your iTunes account and displays playcounts for artists and albums.

I would like to create some sort of app that takes the music statistics from a user’s “Last.FM” account a bit further and displays a range of new, different statistics, such as what percent of your music is female/male vocal-fronted, instrumental, genre, or what decade it’s from, and displays it in a visual way, like a pie chart, for each category. So, it would basically be a hack on your existing Last.FM statistics.

These new statistics could be based on existing tags from Last.FM, and could be an interesting autobiographical look at different aspects of a user’s listening habits less common than simply “most played artist” or “most played song.”

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Intent: Dining Hall Virtual Comment Board

The comment boards in the dining halls at UMaine are either poorly maintained or nonexistent. It would be neat to have a system where users could upload comments to a “virtual comment board” for the dining management to easily see. Comments would be upvoted or downvoted based on quality by the community. It would be very visual, and each comment would require information like “dining location” and “time of visit” so comments could be filtered and categorized.

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