Filed under Approaches

Approach: “College Photo Journal”

It would be similar to Pictory, where the photos are displayed in a photoblog format, but with only student uploaded content.

There would be captions, photographer name, and year and major required with each photo upload. Uploading would either be based on a guest account system, or possibly using a plugin, like Photosmash.

Simple mock-up:


To keep things relevant to UMaine students and encourage submissions, topics will be suggested that directly pertain to issues on campus. Examples could include:

  • the recent ban on smoking
  • campus parking
  • the recent bomb threat

It would be great to see a wide range of creativity in submissions, and the only way to do this is to suggest topics that UMaine students actually care about.

Approach: Virtual Dining Hall Comment Board

  • The first step would be to build a mock-up of the visual aspects of this website. It would be very basic, and would possibly draw upon the imagery of the physical comment cards in some of the dining halls here on campus.
  • It would be interesting to take it a step further and do some interviewing in the dining halls of the people who eat campus food every day, to learn what kind of questions they have about the quality and origins of the food here on campus. This could even include video interviews. It could perhaps be a way to kick start the use of the Virtual Dining Hall Comment Board, since it is completely community-driven.