WordPress Submission Form Plugin

I’ve done some research and found a “User Submitted Post” plugin for WordPress. I could use this for handling user submissions without requiring a login. To use this plugin, you simply use the shortcode provided. The nice thing about this plugin is that it is very customizable. I’m editing it right now to include the following things:

• users must included their name, a photo title, a caption, and an image

• if they do not include the above items, they get an error message telling them to do so

• after submission, they are redirected to the front page

• an instructional message to appear next to the upload field

• my administrator moderation is required for the post to be displayed, until then, it is a draft

To test out this plugin, I’m going to paste it directly into this post. If it looks good, then I have the option of putting it directly on a page in my blog.


Please complete the required fields.