3. What happens when a game breaks out of representations of violence (Grand Theft Auto) and actually engages (executes) violence (Tekken Torture Tournament)? In what way does representation sensitize or desensitize us to violence vs in what way does play (real enactment) resensitize us? When children play do they ever resort to violence? Can you describe its possible uses?
When a game breaks out of representations of violence and engages the player, it helps them “get a glimpse of how games affect us.” It also provides a tangible response to actions made by players in the game. In other words, “the body is now responsible and vulnerable.” Representation can distance us from the violence in the game, but re-enactment can bring us back, especially in the case of Tekken Torture Tournament.
a. Gamers want games that are deeply immersive and engaging. Some game developers want to create games that highlight the relationship between gamers and games, and show how games affect the players. Games like Tekken Torture Tournament cause real consequences for actions within the game.
c. The “Tactile Gaming Vest” is an example. The vest is worn by a player, and produces a response whenever the player is hit by bullets, knives, or explosions in the game.